Standard Platform Usage Limits

ParameterDescriptionMaximum standard value
Disk spaceTotal disk space occupied on the account by CMS resources, file exchange area, connectors, reports and other platform elements that make use of disk space.15 GB
Database spaceTotal DB space occupied on the account by contact databases, custom tables, CMS resources, workflows and related sessions, transactional messages, statistics, logs and temporary resources200KB x Number of contacts from the contractual range provided 12KB x Number of emails purchased in 12 months
Nr DatabaseThe total number of different databases that can be created and managed on the magnews account15 Database
Nr JourneyThe total number of different Journeys that can be created and managed on the magnews account30 Journey
WebService callsThe total number of web service calls that can be made in a day on a single magnews account50.000 calls / day