
The Magnews tool that allows you to monitor, analyze and modify your strategy, thanks to dashboards that will allow you to constantly check the performance of your Journey and Strategy Map in real time.



Your conversion goals

Monitor, analyze and modify your strategy thanks to dashboards:
how much one of your contacts is worth compared to the result of conversions..

Check the status steps of your contacts and therefore where you are compared to your initial goals.

Check your investment: find out how much your contacts are worth in terms of conversions.

Check your touchpoints: which ones perform and in which journey.

Take action on channels that do not generate business value.

A clear, immediate and up-to-date overview of all three levels, from the strategy, through the individual journeys, to the operational level, with continuous monitoring and the possibility of constant intervention and updating.


Business goals success stories

Customers and partners: case studies that show how

magnews makes it possible to work for the success of companies.

Privacy Management and Data Protection:

Our commitment to your most important asset.

We consider privacy management and the protection of Personal Data to be essential. Discover our tools and processes for full GDPR compliance.

We work

for the success of companies

Do you want to know how magnews can solve your business needs?

If you have questions about modules, integration within your systems and technology infrastructure, data protection, pricing or any other aspects, contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

You will be able to see a platform demo or carry out a short evaluation on your company to find out whether magnews is the right product for you!

A contact request can change the value of your results.